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storytelling with data podcast

Dec 11, 2023

Consider all of the things you do in the course of your daily work from a seated position: might you benefit from changing it up? In this episode, Cole discusses the power of standing up for different reasons and across a variety of situations. Tune in to understand how standing can boost creativity and keep updates and...

Nov 27, 2023

Alberto Cairo drops by to talk about his new book "The Art of Insight," which offers a unique take on data visualization. In conversation with data storyteller Mike, Cairo shares his Camus-inspired belief that life's meaning comes from community and work, and how that conviction shapes his own interests and endeavors....

Nov 9, 2023

Sending slides before a meeting and asking your audience to do a pre-read has become the norm. Unfortunately, pre-reads never quite lead to the desired outcome of better questions and discussion, instead they create more challenges. Data storyteller Alex shares her thoughts on pre-reads and how she navigates requests to...

Sep 22, 2023

Cole walks listeners through her process of preparing for a recent presentation—from turning an idea into slides, to how she readied herself to present powerfully. Tune in to hear how a visual navigation scheme can help you stay on track as you present and create memorable takeaways for your audience, why...

Jul 28, 2023

Whether you’ve asked for it or not, sometimes critique from others simply gets under our skin. From feel-good platitudes that lack actionability to outright requests to manipulate data—Cole covers five categories of common graph and slide feedback that people hate to receive. Tune in to learn strategies...